Nurture your wellness journey 

Our playlists and audio tracks for yoga asanas, pranayama breathing exercises, guided meditation, relaxations, timers and mantra chanting are designed to enhance your wellness practice.   

Our collection includes a wide range of instructions you can customize to create your own unique Saadhana, or daily spiritual practice.  Discover the power of personalized wellness content with Saadhana. Your Wellness Companion. 

Explore, customize and personalize our playlists for your practice.

Guided relaxations of varying styles for different occasions.

Pranayama breathing exercises - Anuloma viloma and Kapalabhati.

Surya namaskars and yoga asanas of varying durations and styles

Customizable durations, interval bells and background music.

Pomodoro timers for productivity and breaks.

Mantras from Om to prayers for starting and finishing classes

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Personalize Your Practice

With Saadhana, you have the flexibility to customize your practice. Choose from a wide range of audio tracks and create your own unique playlists. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, Saadhana is here to support your wellness journey.

Dive into our diverse collection of audio tracks. From yoga asanas to meditation techniques, our tracks are designed to guide you through each step of your practice. Start exploring today and find your favorites.

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